Reef Physiotherapy–Cairns

Reef Orthopaedic Clinic have an in-house Physiotherapy service offering acute musculoskeletal physiotherapy and post operative rehabilitation.

We offer 30 minute one-on-one sessions.

Our hours of operation vary, so please call direct on 07 4041 8040 and we will find a suitable time to suit your needs.

Please forward all referrals (you aren't required to have one) and enquiries to

We welcome Queensland Workcover patients and patients with a GP management plan.

Your Physiotherapist

Fred Lotsy


Fred Lotsy is a highly experienced, internationally trained Physiotherapist. 

Fred graduated in the Netherlands in 1995 and then travelled to Switzerland for work and further post graduate training.

He returned to Netherlands in 1997 and ran his own private practice for many years.  In 2007 Fred and his wife immigrated to Australia where they have been happily settled and embraced the Queensland lifestyle.  Fred is now returning to Cairns after a brief sojourn on the Sunshine Coast and look forward to re-establishing his practice here. 

Fred’s main areas of expertise and special interest are:

  • Acute musculoskeletal injuries and post-operative orthopaedic care
  • Neurological rehabilitation including stroke and brain injury
  • Headaches and vertigo
  • Spinal mobilisations and manipulations
  • Dry needling
  • Multi-lingual (Dutch, German, Swiss-German and English)
  • Fred is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association